Improving access to universities: A conversation with Dr Tony Sewell CBE
We believe that responsible and sustainable investing for the long term must go along with a concern for society as a whole. Growth, prosperity, creativity and opportunity can only come from reinvestment in our greatest resource, people. Education is a critical factor, which is why it is one of the areas we have decided to support as a business and as individuals alongside our support for the arts and other causes.
It carries on a long-held tradition of the Stern family of establishing and supporting educational institutions like the University of Frankfurt in Germany or Lord Wandsworth College here in the United Kingdom, many of which continue to this day.
As part of our social commitment to education, we have held a number of discussion events looking at important aspects of higher education and universities. Established to help foster a deeper understanding and to bring together thought leaders within education, politics, business and other areas, these events have sought to contribute to the public discourse about universities and higher education.
In 2016, we hosted a seminar at New College, Oxford University, on the role of private finance in higher education with former Minister of State for Universities and Science, Lord David Willetts. This was followed in 2018 by a panel debate at the Oxford & Cambridge Club where a panel of distinguished Vice Chancellors, academics, educators, advocates and activists discussed issues around tuition fees and their purpose, impact and potential adaption in a challenging environment for universities and higher education.
We are excited to look towards our next event in the series. On Wednesday 8th May we will be hosting a panel debate on issues at King’s College, Cambridge University, about access to higher education and different models that could be successful in boosting diversity in universities.