Reflections on Brexit: Western Democracies and the Threat of Populism

In our insight piece ‘Reflections on Brexit: Western Democracies and the Threat of Populism’, our partners Tom Price and Christopher Rossbach discuss the issues we are facing. The problems are complex and the solutions will not be easy or fast. Yet they argue that we know the basic answer. Representative democracy has been the foundation of the success of the Western world. As the baton is passed to new governments not only here in the UK, but also over the next year in the US, France and Germany among others, we can only call for political wisdom and courage.

Reflections on Brexit: Western Democracies and the Threat of Populism

Social media has swallowed the news – threatening the funding of public-interest reporting and ushering in an era when everyone has their own facts. But the consequences go far beyond journalism

Katharine Viner, editor-in-chief, Guardian, 12 July 2016

More and more people today end up seeing a version of the world that is shaped by their pre-existing beliefs. Social media by its nature is designed to give people more of what they want. What is trending on Twitter increasingly drives the news. It affects television, where people choose to follow the different versions of events as told by Fox News and MSNBC and the increase in ratings reinforce the

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